Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hold It

I'd like to thank Lindsey Boldt for adding the reading Rob Halpern and I did at David Brazil & Sara Larsen's Life Long Dream Come True Series as one of her favorite things of 2010. Now, I also want to thank Lindsey for kindly holding it till the very end--the climax, as it stands--of the evening. I mean, if there is one way to define the poetic I think it just might be: an action of a transitory decor for which one would sacrifice life, limb, and glandular plosive, when necessary, up to and including holding it, as in its fullest expression, participation in said action is equal to or greater than the regenerative force of a painful laughter, and/or the damaging effects of the pee pee dance.

I would add that a night after our reading (I think? Or two.) Lindsey read with David Brazil, which for sure is one of my favorite moments of 2010. Or any year. Both readings were awesome in really different, but oddly complimentary, ways. I wrote on that reading back in Aug, so available in the archives. Boldt's prose-PT mixture narrating the hostile takeover by a hundred-foot Goldie Hawn of downtown SF, and the Goldie of Overboard no less--fabulous. Which, by the way, for those uninterested in following the IMDB link here, gives this as the movie's official tagline:

Rich bitch Joanna hires country carpenter Dean to build a closet on her yacht. When the two don't see eye-to-eye...

Reading it to self aloud in the movie trailer guy voice (you know, that voice) doesn't help here. The only marginal salvation of the tagline is in the hardly veiled double-coding gatcha of the metaphors, "closet" and "closet," etc., as the IMDB--Amazon-like hetero corporate giant it is--kickoff for this movie's page...

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