Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hospitalogy / Illness / Wellness

Thanks much to Amber DiPietra, who I've written on in relation to her work below, for posting a blurb about my hospital poem practice, those poems of mine that have wound up in Hospitalogy. Hospitalogy was at one point part of my new book Occultations, but the thing kept growing as I kept having to see doctors or get to the hospital, and so eventually it turned in to its own book(s). Good timing too, as a) I'm wrapping up what I have edited now as book to be gotten off my desk (I'm cured!), and b) I'd been hoping to link to DiPietra's website/non-profit community "Write to Connect." Write to Connect is a meeting place for artists interested in and/or participating in practices relating to "illness and wellness." This, plus (relatedly) mutual friend and also fantastic poet Eleni Stecopolous's "The Poetics of Healing" blog, which I've put up as link on the blogroll to the right. 

I'll soon be writing on Stecopolous's new, beautiful, game-changing Armies of Compassion (Palm Press, 2010), which includes a radical re-write of one of my favorite chapbooks of all time, Eleni's  Autoimmunology. The chap can still be found online (I think?) thru Deep Oakland. Mine is one of two review-essays I'm due to write over the next several months, the other being CA Conrad's new Wave edition of The Book of Frank. Daunting coupla months! 

The three of us--Eleni, Amber, and myself--along with most other members of Nonsite Collective, as people who've experienced or are passionate about narrating the problematics of "disability," we have a great deal in common regarding outlook on illness & ecology as relates to wider politics and practices, plus some really productive underlap too. So hopefully as I begin to write on Armies I won't butcher the work too much. In the meantime, highly recommended. Just as I'd recommended DiPietra's work in my earlier post. Both have taught me tons in such a small amount of time... 


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