Wednesday, March 24, 2010

From Occultations

I hope he doesn't mind, but I've pasted here the blurb that David Buuck wrote for Occultations. Not that I'm that much in love with myself, but I've been getting several emails asking what this book is doing, what it's like, etc., and I have no answer to that question, come up empty other than to say "dunno, read it."  Now I can say come out to the Belladonna Series reading (post just below), as, even if I'm a flop, you have 3 amazing poets to hear and whose new books you can take home.  And! For those of you enrolled in my class on poets theater, guerilla poetry, and the politics of language--fear not!  I will not be missing class, but in NYC between classes.  Ah, the jet-setting lifestyle.  It's good to be rich.... Below, from Buuck, for whom I'm grateful.  His work inspires me, from his pedagogy to his wild poetic pre-enactments, to how he treats his friends. Other wonderful people are writing on this book as well, mentioned in an earlier post--which makes me realize that the blurb isn't an advertisement all the time, i.e., when the work is in conversation with those who are writing about it, the "about" drops out, as does much of the pitch-man stuff I am not keen on.  Writing thru or with comes to mind, as does the spirit (not the politics) of Blanchot's The Infinite Conversation.  From Buuck:

David Wolach's Occultations helps us to consider, again and against, "what's created out of the rubble?" Through site-specific and embodied interrogations of biopolitical and militarized contact-zones, and procedural rituals of tactical magic, he shows us the "body signing in space," singing through the "post-industrial land-scrape clack." Here the body-in-crisis is not some theoretical abstraction but a lived condition, subject not only to the "surveillance-industrial complex" but also to the limitations of language's ability to fully articulate "what work this dying is". The page thus becomes for Wolach a (non)site of performance, the texts and counter-texts spewed and spat into a kind of splenetic life-force that "invade[s] yr lyric purity," negations that   "organize the no." Amidst the textual/visual palimpsests and constellatory practices at work here, Occultations begins to suggest new vistas beyond, for both poetics and politics.  David Buuck

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